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TOP > Special-Needs Kids Go Pharm-FreeNutrition-Focused Tools to Help Minimize Meds and Maximize Health and Well-Being【電子書籍】[ Judy Converse ]

Special-Needs Kids Go Pharm-FreeNutrition-Focused Tools to Help Minimize Meds and Maximize Health and Well-Being【電子書籍】[ Judy Converse ]

<p><strong>Advice for parents interested in nutrition strategies for enhanced health and less dependence on medications for special-needs children.</strong></p> <p>This expert and practical guide advises parents of special-needs children on how to maximize the impact of nutrition in order to lessen the need for pharmaceuticals. Informed by the latest research and the author's thriving nutrition-for-kids practice, it presents condition- specific information on how to harness the power of specific foods, ingredients, and nutritional supplements to help special needs kids enjoy improved health, growth, functional ability, and well being.</p> <p>Suitable for children with ADHD, asthma, allergies, chronic inflammatory conditions, autism, learning disabilities, mood concerns, sensory processing disorder, and other neurodevelopmental problems. A non-invasive and holistic approach that complements existing therapies, this book aims to help each child reach his or her full potential.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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